Our Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

To promote diversity among symposium speakers, and in keeping with ASPB’s Position Statement on Diversity, the Society has prepared guidelines and a rubric to aid in in the selection of plenary session, community session, and concurrent session speakers at the annual Plant Biology meeting.

After reviewing submitted abstracts and/or potential speakers based on scientific merit and fit, program organizers will introduce a deliberate “Pause Point” to consider guidance from the rubric, which outlines best practices related to diversity in gender, race, geography and career stage.

ASPB also encourages organizers to refer to Best Practices for Inclusive Scientific Meetings, and it recognizes and thanks the members of the ASPB Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee for developing the rubric.

If you have comments or questions regarding Plant Biology 2024 and EDI initiatives, please contact the Program Committee by emailing info@aspb.org.