Social Media Policy

Cameras/Video/Audio Recording

The Plant Biology 2025 conference encourages the use of social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), LinkedIn, and blogging, as ways to engage the community in the event.

When sharing information, we ask that you refrain from

  1. Capturing, transmitting, or redistributing the bulk of the material presented in a session. Doing so infringes on the intellectual property rights of the speakers.
  2. Blogging, posting, recording, photographing, digitally capturing, and/or tweeting about any of the content in a plenary lecture, scientific session, workshop, etc. when the organizer or speaker has explicitly requested that the information being presented is not to be captured or shared.
  3. Photographing or digitally capturing posters by presenters who have requested (visually or verbally) that the content not be captured or shared.

We Encourage You To

  1. Blog, post, and tweet highlights about the conference.
  2. Suggest sessions and workshops to attend and events to enjoy; discuss exemplary speakers and posters; chat about sponsors and exhibitors;
  3. Provide feedback to any ASPB staff member, or via — perhaps discuss topics and/or speakers of interest for another conference, make suggestions for sessions, or comment on the format.
  4. Respect the wishes of speakers regarding social media sharing if they have indicated they do not want their materials to be shared.

If you are a speaker or poster presenter at Plant Biology 2025

Please remember that the plant science community is very active on social media and you are presenting your research at your own risk for the benefit and education of this community.

  1. If you do not want your research to be shared on social media, you must make it very clear by making a statement to that effect at the beginning and end of your presentation (at minimum) and on your poster by whatever means are available.
  2. ASPB cannot be held liable for any claims of damages as a result of social media sharing of any content presented at a Plant Biology meeting, whether virtual or in person.